歐姆蛋 Omelette

材料 Ingredients
洋蔥丁 Diced onion 2 大匙 Tbs
洋菇片 Sliced mushroom 2 大匙 Tbs
洋火腿丁 Diced ham 2 大匙 Tbs
紅椒丁 Diced red pepper 2 大匙 Tbs
巴西利扁葉末 Minced flat-leaf parsley 2 大匙 Tbs
雞蛋 Egg 2 個 ea
牛奶 Milk 1 大匙 Tbs
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 1+1 大匙 Tbs
特級初炸橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil 1 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt 1/4+1/5 小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Ground black pepper 1/8 小匙 tsp

2.8吋平底不沾鍋燒熱後加入1大匙牛油,洋蔥和洋菇片用中火炒到洋蔥變成透明而洋菇呈金黃色。 再加入紅椒,火腿,巴西利葉,1/5小匙鹽和1/8小匙黑胡椒拌炒1分鐘後盛出。

1.Vigorously whisk the eggs with 1 tbs. of milk and ¼ tsp of salt.
2.Add the onion, mushroom and 1 tbs of butter to a heated 8" non-stick pan and sauté until the onion is translucent and the mushrooms are golden brown. Add the red pepper, ham, parsley, 1/5 tsp of salt and 1/8 tsp of black paper and sauté for another minute. Set the toppings aside.
3.Use paper towels to wipe the pan clean. Turn the heat to low and add 1 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of olive oil. Pour in the egg mixture and gently shake the pan to distribute the egg all over the pan. Lightly stir the egg with chopsticks. When the eggs are set on the bottom but still soft on the top, add the toppings onto half side of the egg. When the egg is almost done but the surface is still wet, turn off the heat. With a rubber spatula, fold the half of the egg without topping over to cover the other half. Plate the omelette.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/10/2015
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